Investigations on turning Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy using super-finished tool edge geometry generated by micro-machining process (MMP)
This paper presents investigations on high speed turning of Ti-6Al-4V alloy using super-finished cutting edge inserts generated by micro-machining process (MMP). In order to better understand the influence of super-finished cutting edges and their impact on active force components, tool face friction is analyzed. The tool-chip-work friction coefficients are obtained analytically using measured cutting forces under orthogonal cutting conditions and chip characteristics. The cutting forces and chip morphology are predicted accurately using a two dimensional finite element model (FEM) using ABAQUS. The turning tests conducted under flooded coolant conditions show that super-finished cutting edge inserts substantially enhance the tool life.
Anil K. Srivastavaa (3), Xueping Zhangb, Tim Bellc and Steve Cadigana
aTechSolve, Inc., Cincinnati, USA
bShanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PRC cMicroTek Finishing, Cincinnati, USA
Submitted by S. R. T. Kumara (1), Pennsylvania, USA