Added Values

Preparation before PVD (increase PVD adhesion)
The MMP treatment allows for the micro-deburring of cutting edges.

Decrease Roughness after PVD coating
MMP treatment reduces the roughness of the PVD and eliminates droplets, thus improving tool life and operation without changing neither the other properties nor the thickness of the PVD.

No Contamination - Easy Cleanability
The MMP treatment reduces the roughness of a part, thus avoiding particle retention on the surface and obtaining a surface that is easier to clean.

Increase Lifetime
MMP treatment improves all the surface characteristics of the part: roughness, friction, lubrication, homogeneity, etc.

Increase Access to Oil Reserve
The MMP treatment optimises the roughness of the parts and thus reduces friction but also keeps micro-cavities to store oil.

Homogeneity and Reproducibility
MMP processing uses a totally controlled flow to micro-machine the surfaces of the treated parts perfectly homogeneously in the processing chamber.

Decrease Micro Turbulence
The MMP treatment reduces the roughness of Gas turbine compressor components.

Decrease Friction
The MMP treatment micro-machines the surface of the part and reduces the roughness of the part.

Remove EDM Recast Layer
When manufacturing parts by EDM, the electro-erosion burns the surface, creating a layer of Heated affected zone(HAZ).

Controlled Micro-Honing of the Edges
The MMP treatment allows for the micro-deburring of cutting edges.
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